Its been quite an eventful month.Dono why i din blog..
My Trip to the US and India have been eventful..I directly migrated from freezing temp in US to just above boiling point temperature here..But both are good in its own way :)..
Its been a tough and hectic month for me..Both in office and home :)..I am glad that i have managed it both quite well :)..But there is undoubtedly no life without the ups and down..but i m sure i have managed the down side too very well for a change..I m gng back again..As many know i have mixed emotions..But i m not whining..As a concious choice should be respected and should be strived to tackle..Than rather whining :)..
For reasons immaterial,i will miss home :)..I will miss all my friends i have grown up with..I will miss love from the parental unit,not to forget my Dadu too :)..But i know i m gng back for a better future and of course to resurrect Prachi..But there are certain things i am confused..As all my friends are slowly getting hitched and i still live in darkness :)..As for some relationship which are falling apart,only time will say if they are lasting or just another passing cloud..But i have grown above all to accept life as it comes without complaining..As life is a huge bunch of surprises :),not as pleasant as a bunch of Red Roses for sure..But still they are good old white orchids ;)