Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Love Vs Arranged

From my thoughts i have seen all parents irrespective of cast and creed have the same thoughts on the most debated issue "Love marriage vs Arranged marriage"
Most of them who know me will be amused how am i debating on this topic.Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Prachi debating on this topic.Oh my god.But guyzzz i am here cos of my stupid cousin Pramod, who has been the motivating factor for me to write this blog.
Love marraige(from now on referred as A) mmmmmmmmmmmmm.Arranged marriage (from now on referred as B)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.Gosh marriage(from now on referred as M) is another mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.Ooph its a draining topic guyzzz...As both for me have there own disadvantages and advantages.
Starting with A ,it is claimed as the most gifted and beautiful thing that can happen.You get an chance to understand your life partner much much before,you start shring life.Get to understand the compatibility that you share.Get to understand the common interest,likes and dislikes.Finally a chance to decide whether he/she is the special one.Is he/she the one with whom i can spend the rest of my life under a single roof.
But guyzzzz isnt this a little boring.There is no adventure ,no chance to explore the person.All is a open book.This can get to boredom.What really looked like a dream before marriage,can become a pain post marriage.Please guyzz don take any offense against me.This is all what i have heard.Nothing is "Aap Bithi". I am still a spinster you c :).
Now on B,it is claimed as the most traditional sought out marriage,where the girl and the guy see each other for the first time only when they are found with each other sharing the same room and ofcourse the same bed.As per some of my resources this is a disadvantage cos a lot of time is wasted in adjustment and compatibility before love making really happens ;).May be they have a point, maybe not.Who can ever decide on anyones body needs.So finally They start exploring each other like reading a suspense filled thriller novel.B for me used to be the most sought out option,but with the growing intellectual brains of our teens A has become the interest than an option ;).
People as for me ,for A to happen have started making love happen,whereas love is claimed to be fallen into from ancient times.Its all with the heart and the individual,why am i debating ;).
For me M itself is the biggest commited suicide in complete senses :0).Still people manage to defend by saying
"Shaadi Ek Aissa Ladoo Hai Jho Khata Hai Woh Bi Pachtata Hai,Aur Jo Na Kaye Woh Bi Pachtata Hai", So kakhe pachtaoooooooooooooooooo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a gud insight view on the two most debated relationship......but as per the stats its still the A M which is found to be more stable and also more mysterious in terms of searching each other needs......